
Windows uses a lot of data to operate properly. This data is stored in a special place known as the Windows Registry. In addition, many of the programs that work within Windows also use the Registry. When you need to get down-and-dirty in Windows, the Registry is where you go first.

Tips, Tricks, and Answers

The following articles are available for the 'Registry' topic. Click the article''s title (shown in bold) to see the associated article.

    Backing Up the Windows Registry
Windows wouldn't function if it weren't for the Registry. It's important, therefore, to back it up�"especially before any major changes.

    Creating Registry Keys or Values
The Registry is the central depository of configuration information used by Windows and by programs running on your system. Sometimes working with the Registry data means adding information, not just editing it. Here's how you do it.

    Disabling Printing in Edge Chromium
Do you need to disable printing within Edge Chromium? You can use the Registry Editor to disable or enable printing.

    Editing Registry Values
The Registry is the central depository of configuration information used by Windows and by programs running on your system. Once you find information you need to change, you can use the tools in the Registry Editor to make the modification you desire.

    Editing the Windows Registry
The Registry is the central depository of configuration information used by Windows and by programs running on your system. One way to modify how Windows (or those programs) do their work is by editing the Registry, as described in this tip.

    Exporting a Portion of the Registry
Windows wouldn't function if it weren't for the Registry, and many system tweaks involve editing it. Before making such tweaks, you should export the portion you intend to change so that you can roll back your changes if necessary.

    Finding Information in the Registry
The Registry is the central depository of configuration information used by Windows and by programs running on your system. That means that it holds a lot of information, so finding the one piece you need can be a daunting task. Here's how to make the task a bit easier.

    Hiding Folders Under This PC
File Explorer is a virtual necessity when it comes to navigating the file system. If you find it a little too verbose, though, this tip tells you how to hide the folders that appear under This PC.

    How the Registry is Organized
There may come a time when you need to view or even modify the registry. In such a case, it's good to know how the registry is organized. This tip explains that.

    Importing a Portion of the Registry
Windows wouldn't function if it weren't for the Registry, and many system tweaks involve editing it. If you've exported a portion of the Registry you need to know how to import it if you want to restore things to their previous condition.

    Understanding Registry Value Data Types
Every key value in the registry has a data type. This tip explains the available data types supported in the registry.