Using the DiskPart Utility

Written by Barry Dysert (last updated July 22, 2019)

DiskPart is a command-line utility that lets you manage disk-related objects like drives, virtual disks, partitions, and volumes. You invoke DiskPart by typing DiskPart at a command prompt and pressing Enter. (You must be in the Administrators group to run DiskPart.) DiskPart accepts 38 different commands, which can be listed by typing Help at the DiskPart prompt.

While the Help command lists the available commands in alphabetical order, logically, the DiskPart commands can be grouped into the following categories:

  • Commands to set focus: Select
  • Commands to display disk configuration: Detail, List
  • Commands to manage basic disks: Active, Assign, Create, Delete, Extend, Remove
  • Commands to manage dynamic disks: Active, Add, Assign, Break, Create, Delete, Extend, Import, Online, Remove, Retain
  • Commands to convert disks: Convert
  • Miscellaneous commands: Clean, Exit, Help, Rescan

DiskPart operates on whatever object currently has focus. You can assign focus to an object through the Select command, e.g.,

DISKPART> Select Disk 0

Subsequent commands will now operate on Disk 0 until focus is assigned to another object.

You leave the DiskPart utility by typing Exit at the DiskPart prompt.

 This tip (12662) applies to Windows 7, 8, and 10.

Author Bio

Barry Dysert

Barry has been a computer professional for over 35 years, working in different positions such as technical team leader, project manager, and software developer. He is currently a software engineer with an emphasis on developing custom applications under Microsoft Windows. When not working with Windows or writing Tips, Barry is an amateur writer. His first non-fiction book is titled "A Chronological Commentary of Revelation." ...


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